What We Do > How We Work

We provide quality programmes, platforms and people to support young people on their journey and in achieving their full potential.

Our Outcomes

Health and Wellbeing

Through our work we aim to promote positive health and wellbeing and teach young people how to look after themselves holistically through a diverse range of personal and social development programmes.

In order to achieve the right support for young people we work closely with a range of partners and stakeholders to ensure the quality support around young people’s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Learning and Achieving

We want to create a vibrant youth space where young people will be encouraged to learn new skills and abilities through a range of diverse workshops and activities that support young people in the achievement of full potential, making positive choices and building positive relationships with others.

Living in Safety and Stability

We want to give young people skills, knowledge and understanding to make better choices around risk behaviour and impact on self, others and community.

Through outreach and bespoke personal and social development programmes, Youth workers reach out and bring in young people aged 25 and under to offer diversionary programmes and holistic support where applicable.

We Promote

Inclusion, Diversity and Equity of Opportunity

We believe that youth work is for all young people and we want to have a vibrant and inclusive youth centre where young people can feel welcomed and supported. Through safe, inclusive and accepting environments we can reduce barriers to youth provision and enhance young people’s personal capabilities.

Programmes are offered annually and are subject to change based on the needs of young people. Programmes range from 2-12 sessions.

Good Relations

YMCA Newcastle embraces the Global community and the beauty that is diversity. The project aims to support young people through an inclusive and welcoming youth work community that educates and celebrates CRED and EDI through bespoke personal and social development programmes, partnership working and participation and celebration of local and global events.

Programmes are offered annually and are subject to change based on the needs of young people. Programmes range from 2-12 sessions.


We encourage young people to participate in all aspects of our work. YMCA Newcastle’s provision seeks to break down barriers and ensure marginalised young people have opportunities to engage and participate in meaningful programmes.


YMCA Newcastle understands the benefits and positive impact volunteering has in the lives of young people and the development of an organisation and community as a whole.

Find out more about volunteering here.

Participative Structure

YMCA Newcastle believes there is nothing as powerful as the voice of young people in the matters that impact them the most.

It is our aim at YMCA Newcastle to ensure the implementation of credible democratic and accountable support platforms to ensure the non tokenistic voice of young people is respected in all matters. We do this through the implementation of Junior and Senior Youth Council Structures who are central representatives for our provision and direction of travel.

Find out more about our Youth Council here.